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St Luke's National School, Montenotte, Cork

Aims & Values

To enable the child to live a full life as a child and to realise his or her life as a unique individual.

To prepare the child for further education and to cultivate lifelong learning.

To enable the child to develop as a social being through living and co-operating with others and so contribute to the good of society.

St. Luke’s School celebrates the uniqueness and importance of every child. We value and encourage self-actualisation, developing a positive self-concept and self-esteem. We look to the holistic development of your child.

Parents are invited to consider this statement of ethos carefully before enrolling their child in the school.

Enrolment implies acceptance of the ethos of the school and a willingness to work in the spirit of community, which defines the life of St. Luke’s School.

Ratified by the Board of Management on 13/09/2011